Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Chak De!!

I wanted my next post to be light-weight, something fun and nice….have been too much into some heavy-duty stuff lately..is kind of getting quite overbearing for me too!
I don’t want to think soo much…and on top of it, pen it down as well! So, that’s double ordeal…if you know what I mean.
I would want to be blissly oblivious of reality and anything remotely philosophical, I want to laugh aloud, I want to jump for joy, I want to let go and most important I don’t want to think.
What am I saying…. in simple words..I want to be foolish and experience the heavenly euphoria that comes with it…(‘Fools Paradise’ ???)

As much as I am making an effort for that… I am getting drawn more into a feeling of vacuum, blankness, almost on the verge of melancholy…!!
Ok..before you make any guesses.. there is a transition phase underway..so, my blogs will be in 'blue' hues for some time… (I am experiencing the blues you see..!!)
Am sure, they’ll get out of blue zone soon, I promise!

Ok, let me make a start rightaway and broach upon one of my favourite topics – MOVIES!!
I recently saw ‘Chak De INDIA’ – awesssssssssssssssoome. It’s almost known to all now..the movie does not need an opinion from a novice like me. But, hey, nevertheless.
I cannot not applaud the spirit of the movie. I knew what I was going for, I knew what to expect, knew it’s going to be a great ending, knew it will have the charisma of star-value (ShahRukh is not ShahRukh aise hi…!!)…knew all of that. But, still watched it with the enthusiasm of a little child!
And how I enjoyed it! Don’t miss it for anything. Catches the correct patriotic spirit. Patriotism need not stem out of a ‘Border’ or ‘Sarfarosh’ or ‘RDB’ or all that Manoj Kumar pack of cinema.
Patriotism in all it’s fervour is here full on. It makes it more real, more ‘now’ and peps us up. Go watch it…and celebrate your love for the Nation.
Please do not go with a cynical and negative approach. I hate people who go to watch a movie just to mock it or fail it. Go if you like to emote along, laugh along, cry along, lose and win with the movie.

So much so for the ‘Chak De..’ praise..I’ll rest my case now. You watch it once and you’ll love it.

Hey..hey..what’s that little blue feeling popping up.. not again..!!

Ok.. before I sign off..the blog title ‘Chak De’ as much as it was for the movie..it’s also for me! I am pepping up myself you see ;) Interestingly there are quite a few versions/meanings to the phrase on the net…go google it.
To me …it gives an upbeat feel..motivates me..and urges me to go out there and DO IT.
I’m just about getting ready….